Natural Language Processing

Why is it important for companies?

NLP, or "natural language processing," is a subfield of artificial intelligence that aims to make it possible for computers to comprehend, decipher, and produce human language. With applications in areas like chatbots, sentiment analysis, and language translation, it entails using computational techniques to analyze and manipulate natural language data.

NLP is, in general, becoming more and more crucial for businesses as they look to enhance customer experience, boost productivity, gain a competitive edge, and make better decisions based on data insights.


Why Us?

  • We analyze customer feedback and enhance customer service, which will improve the customer experience. This includes social media monitoring, chatbots, and automated emails. We comprehend the wants and needs of customers so that you can better serve them.
  • Efficiency gains: Automating tasks like data entry, document classification, and sentiment analysis using NLP can save businesses time and money.
  • Competitive advantage: By offering insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and emerging topics, we assist your businesses in gaining a competitive advantage.
  • We give better judgment: We glean insights from a variety of unstructured data sources, including social media posts, news articles, and client testimonials. Using this data we help you make well-informed choices regarding product development, marketing initiatives, and overall business strategy.

Services We Offer

Text Classification and Categorization
Text Classification and Categorization

We help classify and categorize text data based on pre-defined categories or clusters. This can be useful for applications such as sentiment analysis, spam detection, and content moderation.

Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Named Entity Recognition (NER)

We help identify and extract entities such as names, places, organizations, and dates from text data. This can be useful for applications such as information extraction, content recommendation, and search engine optimization.

Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis

Buildnetic help determine the sentiment of a piece of text data, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. This can be useful for applications such as customer feedback analysis, brand monitoring, and social media listening.

Language Translation
Language Translation

We can help translate text data from one language to another. This can be useful for applications such as global content creation, localization, and international communication.

Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Speech Recognition and Synthesis

Our experts can help convert spoken language into text and vice versa. This can be useful for applications such as voice assistants, speech-to-text transcription, and language learning.

Chatbot Development
Chatbot Development

Our developers can help develop chatbots that can understand and respond to natural language inputs. This can be useful for applications such as customer service, e-commerce, and healthcare.

Technical Expertise

Building scalable secure web applications by leveraging cutting edge technologies

Frontend & UX
Frontend & UX

ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, React Native, Flutter, Android, iOS


Java, Python, PHP, NodeJS


MongoDB, SQL, Redis


Panda, R, Hadoop, Hive

Cloud and DevOps
Cloud and DevOps

AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernet

Technical Expertise

Success Stories?

Delhi Duty Free
Delhi Duty Free

Technology: PHP, Magento, MqSQL, AWS

Scope of Work : Design, Development & Maintenance

Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer

Technology: NodeJs, React, MongoDb, Azure

Scope of Work : Consulting


Technology: Microsoft Power BI, React

Scope of Work : Development & Maintenance

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