Software Test Management

Software Test

Software Test Management

The whole test process is the procedure to plan and control the testing throughout the project cycle. With Buildnetic you can now track and monitor the testing throughout the project.

Services We Offer

faster time to market
faster time to market

By enacting on constant execution of test cases on varied devices, browsers and platforms simultaneously, accelerating release velocity.

Test complex business logic
Test complex business logic

Accurately test complex scenarios and business logic effortlessly with a few clicks with our rugged t software testing services.

Make applications more robust
Make applications more robust

Examine automation use cases that can be used repetitively due to easy configuration of their set up and therefore can be used through varied processes.

Negate manual errors
Negate manual errors

Eliminate highly excruciating human testing efforts that are highly prone to errors with automated test scripts that provide precise and accurate results.

Achieve better QA coverage
Achieve better QA coverage

Allow test cases to look further into the software and gain entry into memory contents, data tables, or internal program states; thereby maximizing the depth and scope of QA.

Technical Expertise

Building scalable secure web applications by leveraging cutting edge technologies

Frontend & UX
Frontend & UX

ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, React Native, Flutter, Android, iOS


Java, Python, PHP, NodeJS


MongoDB, SQL, Redis


Panda, R, Hadoop, Hive

Cloud and DevOps
Cloud and DevOps

AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernet

Technical Expertise

Success Stories?

Delhi Duty Free
Delhi Duty Free

Technology: PHP, Magento, MqSQL, AWS

Scope of Work : Design, Development & Maintenance

Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer

Technology: NodeJs, React, MongoDb, Azure

Scope of Work : Consulting


Technology: Microsoft Power BI, React

Scope of Work : Development & Maintenance

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